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Pipe Friction Experiment


The principal objective is to become familiar with the concept of friction in pipe flow, and the effect of laminar and turbulent flow regimes.

Complete Modul please download here


1. Dhoni Hartanto - October 21, 2009

Mohon bimbingannya untuk praktikum ini
Terima kasih

2. septian - October 22, 2009

@Dony: Don, ajari aku PFE po’o… aku habis ni praktikum PFE… oke je??

Inuk - October 23, 2009

hey partner @Septian…
ajarin aku yyaa….

3. katlea - October 22, 2009

aku besok asistensi…
yg bsa harap aku dhubungin…

labteknikkimiaits - October 22, 2009

yee. Enak aja kamu Tea. Kamu yang cari Dunk. Whahahaha

4. ferdy - October 22, 2009

Bk web ntu,,
bnyk buku referensi, tp didownload dlu…

5. sendy - October 27, 2009

semoga besok praktikum C1 di PFE bisa berjalan lancar
semangat buat partner


6. Rizqy Romadhona Ginting - November 10, 2009

Hari ini asistensi PFE,semoga berjalan lancar. .

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